Returns & Refund Policy

Thank you for shopping at Popular Florists!

We always strive to provide you with the best flower shopping experience. In the unfortunate circumstance that you are not happy with the manner we handled your order, you may get in touch with us and we’ll be ready to resolve any issue.

If your order has not been delivered within the expected date, please contact us immediately. Include your name and order number so we can speedily search for your order and look into the matter. Popular Florists will conduct an investigation and advise you of the outcome after 1 working day. 

It is likely that delivery was attempted but no one was available to accept the order.  If this is the case, Popular Florists usually attempts redelivery or contacts the recipient to arrange an alternative delivery time.

Popular Florists will only issue replacements or  refunds for non-deliveries due to circumstances within our control.

In case non-delivery was due to unavailability of recipient or incorrect delivery information, Popular Florists cannot be held liable and will not be able to issue a refund.

As mentioned, Popular Florists cannot issue refunds for non-deliveries due to circumstances outside our control. In the event that the recipient refuses to receive the flowers for whatever reason, Popular Florists will not provide a refund and shall not be held liable.  

If you wish to have your flower order delivered to an alternative address, additional courier fee will be required. Popular Florists reserves the right to accept or deny change in delivery address made on the date of attempted delivery/rejected delivery.

Popular Florists carefully and thoughtfully prepares each flower arrangement to provide you with absolute satisfaction. In the unfortunate event that you are not satisfied with the quality of flowers or the floral design, please contact us as soon as possible. Due to the perishable nature of flowers, you are advised to contact us within 24 hours after delivery date. Popular Florists will consider issues raised but reserve the right to refuse replacement or refund.

In most cases, we’d be happy to offer replacements for orders that do not meet our customers’ expectations. We may also offer store credit or free upgrades for future orders.

Given the seasonal availability of flowers and the handmade nature of our products, we are not able to totally, completely and fully recreate a chosen floral design. Each flower arrangement will always be unique and no two arrangements will ever be identical. 

What we offer are the closest match to your preferred floral arrangement. We will use the same flower type, size, color, and number as pictured as long as availability permits us to do so. Minor variations and substitutions may be necessary but Popular Florists will make every effort to ensure that the “look, feel and appeal” of the arrangement will be maintained. Substitutions will always be made with flowers/items of equal or greater value.

If you wish to cancel an order and get a full refund, please notify us within 24 hours after order placement. Any cancellation requests after this period cannot be guaranteed. We process orders the moment we receive it so we can ensure on-time delivery. As such, cancellations must be done immediately to give us ample time to process them.

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